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and BIM track

International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS)

Workshop 04:

Kinetic plate structures


Valentina Beatini

Date and Time:

Saturday afternoon, 15 August 2015, 13h00-17h00


Conference location, Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ




This workshop deals with the construction of target kinetic surfaces by means of foldable rigid plates. Participant experiment the design of a foldable translational double curved structure and a transformable foldable structure. The shape of the target translational surface can be freely set, as well as some approximation parameters. The very few geometrical constraints and their role will be explained. Indeed, the approximation process can be developed directly by drawing or by easy calculation. Participants will experiment with sketches and hand on models, while possible variations will be explored on computer.


Kinetic plate structures are increasingly becoming popular thanks to the design possibilities and construction opportunities. The workshop presents straightforward design methods which allow achieving a predetermined desired surface. Particularly, it has a design perspective, and it focuses on the method to achieve a specified target surface and on the parameters which can be freely set. Although there are many folding origami-like structures, only a few are made of rigid plates.
An introductory lecture together with hand on models gives an insight into the relevant geometry of these structures. This does not require prior knowledge on rigid folding: the geometrical constraints and their role will be explained through simple trigonometrical relationships. An outline on the kinematic and structural behavior helps understanding the possible applications. This first learning and testing phase will tie us up for about two hours.

Each participant will then design his own foldable rigid plate structure, sketch his own design and create it in paper or cardboard. The structures are modular 4-quad meshes that can approximate specific desired double curved translational surfaces or transformable foldable surfaces, i.e. surfaces that can change the sign of their curvature while folding. Here you can see some pictures of what can be achieved. Eventually, variations will be tested in computer by means of CAD (static visualization) or Rhino+ Grasshopper (kinetic visualization) depending on the participants ‘knowledge and desire.


Valentina Beatini is Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture, Abant Izzet Baysal University. Here she is teaching design courses and courses in the construction area. She growth her research experience as Post Doc fellow in kinetic structures at Izmir Institute of Technology, working in harness with architects and mechanical engineers. Her research interests are kinetic structures, architectural design, structural art and origami. She has been designing various kinetic systems for architectural applications, focusing especially on foldable rigid plates. She has previous experience in conducting international workshops and seminars on mechanisms for architectural applications.

Minimum number participants:



€ 90,-